“Possibilities for an in-vitro meat production system” – Published!

Innovative Food Science & Emerging TechnologiesElsevier’s food science journal Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies has published my  first authored review article “Possibilties for an in vitro meat production system” in their January 2010 issue.

Here is the abstract:

“Meat produced in vitro has been proposed as a humane, safe and environmentally beneficial alternative to slaughtered animal flesh as a source of nutritional muscle tissue. The basic methodology of an in vitro meat production system (IMPS) involves culturing muscle tissue in a liquid medium on a large scale. Each component of the system offers an array of options which are described taking into account recent advances in relevant research. A major advantage of an IMPS is that the conditions are controlled and manipulatable. Limitations discussed include meeting nutritional requirements and large scale operation. The direction of further research and prospects regarding the future of in vitro meat production will be speculated.”

Please read the article and provide your comments and critique!

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